
10 Meetups About Machine Espresso You Should Attend

  • 작성자 : Warner Childres…
  • 작성일 : 24-05-01 09:34
  • 조회수 : 7
How Does Machine Espresso Work?

The machine espresso makes use of precision pressure, and Travel espresso maker a filtering technology that is amazing to create the coffee you enjoy. What exactly is it?

Espresso is made by forcing hot water under pressure through finely ground coffee. The process is similar to making drip coffee. However, the pressure is the primary difference.

The Group Head

As the name suggests the group head is the place you place your portafilter while brewing espresso. It is responsible for dispersing the water into the portafilter and then controlling the pressure that results from the extraction. There are numerous kinds of group heads, each with its own advantages and drawbacks. Some are focused on temperature stability, some on pre-infusion capabilities, while others are designed to control the lever. Some have a combination, such as the E61. This is a popular choice among baristas as it provides a variety of benefits in a single package.

As you can see in the above photo the group head is equipped with several notches. You can place your portafilter in these notches, then twist the head to secure it. There is also a gasket of rubber in the notches and helps create an airtight seal when you insert your portafilter into the machine. The notches permit the precise placement of the portafilter. This is vital for an accurate extraction.

Aside from allowing you to effortlessly insert your portafilter the group head is responsible to maintain an even temperature. It does this by circulating hot water through the brew container and around the portafilter to ensure that it's always at the right temperature for extraction. It is important to realize that even a slight deviation can make the difference between a good and great espresso.

The Pump

In contrast to manual piston machines which rely on a lever to pressurize water, Rotary espresso coffee machines uk machines rely on motorized pumps that provide the nine atmospheric bars of pressure necessary for espresso extraction. The pressure builds up by removing tap water from a reservoir, and pumping it through a heat exchanger prior to being pushed through the ground coffee in the group head.

Pumps are generally less expensive and last for longer than piston-driven machines. However, both kinds of machines can degrade because of excessive use and insufficient cleaning. Pumps are also more complicated mechanically, which can raise the cost of even the simple models.

Some espresso machines employ steam pressure instead of a pump for travel espresso Maker brewing travel espresso Maker. The downside is that the boiler that produces steam also increases the temperature of water to the point of boiling, which can lead to over-extraction. In addition the machines often have to rebuild their pressure between cups, which requires time and energy.

A majority of espresso machines use a vibration or rotary pump, with a vibrating model that uses a vibrating disc that generates the pressure, and an rotary model that pushes hot water through the grounds at high speed. Both machines can make great espresso but rotary machines are more stable, quieter and less likely to break.


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